Thursday, September 23, 2010

He is progressing…

I am proud of him… he has come a long way to be here… I am proud of his leadership skills, taking initiative to be a candidate for the Student Council. When asked from him why you want to be a member in the student council his immediate reply was “I get to be part of an organization for the students and I think it’s pretty cool.”

He has worked hard for rank advancement in his Boys Scout also he is working to be a Star Scout and there is plenty of activities to be done during this school year. One includes public speaking… I am impressed by him; yes… and I will do the best to help him in his speech…

As researches say one of the biggest fears when asked from people they say is public speaking it out ranks the fears to snakes… A person would prefer to be in the coffin rather delivering the eulogy at a funeral…
What I am proud of him is the enthusiasm he carries; hope to see that matures with him as he matures…

I am simply elated with his work ethics this school year hope he will keep it up, it is a lot work but manageable and doable…

Quote of the day “mail a card to your child even if you have not gone away”


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