Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Please Rain on us...

We are in a drought phase, I really hope we are not. I do not know what happen to April showers. We have few more weeks left. We decided to re-seed our yard by adding dirt. 

It was a lot of work having to work with dirt and re-seeding but I am disappointed we are into a drought. It hurts to water everyday but the growing seedlings need water, When I think of the water bill it hurts even more, if we were really into a drought I do not want to use up all the town's water. 
I can see the seedlings emerging. I am in the brink to give up all this because I cannot keep up with watering. I wish we did not re-seed our lawn. I wish we waited out this year. Since we had a very weak yard to begin we needed the dirt and the seeds to make it green. 

We love our old new house... we bought this old house to take care of it as of a sudden urge take care of something old that entered our lives slowly as we mature... I love every little bit in this house. 

While I survey the water consumption I could not help notice to see how little Nicolette has grown... she does a great job with her tricycle. 

She is good at making goofy faces as well
Quote of the “ take the road less travel” 

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