Wednesday, August 7, 2013


Finally, we made our jam. I was so happy to dress them up for gifts. Some even flew out of state all the way to the west coast! I bought this stamp from a an ETSY Seller which was really cool more on that later! These 8 oz jars are like little jewels; part of me feels sad to give them away. 

It is better to give than receive. I wonder who came up with that. So far I have received many good comments on my Jam. Few think I should go into business but not me. We had so much fun encapsulating local blueberries. It would be totally cool to spread these jams on bread during winter months. Hopefully it will cheer up the winter blues we often go through. 


  1. It is way better to give than receive!
    I know I know you through the blog world only - but I think you should sell these jams too! specially since so many are suggesting you do too!
    Just saying :)
    Shashi @

    1. That would be hard... Kids want to eat them ALL!

  2. I love your labels--so sweet! I'm horrible at making cute packaging like that. I'm always just like, "Here! Jam!"

  3. It is a neat seller from ETSY... I will share all about them... I can dress them a bit more...
