- Learn how to cook and eat Fiddleheads with my family
- Take a machine quilting class.
- Organize yarn and needles for knitting.
- Start writing a children story book.
This is not a long list because I wanted it to be achievable. Officially spring starts in March 20th and ends in June 20th this gives me 73 days work on the above tasks. If I do the math correctly I get 18.25 days to work on one project. I am planning to update these tasks accordingly on April 20th 2011 and on May 20th 2011.
Please do check on my progress as I sometimes like comments and motivation. I guess we all know this as a fact. Have you set any goals for yourself this Spring I would love to know what you are up to.
Quote of the day “Do something to put a smile on your face”
Stopping by from SITS. Spring is a wonderful time to make new goals. Thanks for the reminder.