
Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Tomato & Basil Jam.

I was informed by our neighbor, that Mansfield, from the entire state of Massachusetts have got the lowest amount of rain during this spring and summer. I have been out and watering in the mornings and evening every other day kind of deal. Despite the fact getting water for chickens.
I felt this much more with my tomato crop this year. I decided to plant tomatoes without stakes, big mistake I will not attempt it again. Because there is tomatoes drawing all over the place and killed some of my herbs I am not that happy about it. I have been picking tomatoes every two weeks but not a big crop comparing last year, although I have planted more this year comparing to last year. This is my third year planting and I am really enjoying it. We got few vegetables a bumper crop of herbs. I will be learning how to preserve them so I can have them in winter. Most of all I did not make it to the grocery store very often this summer which was my goal. 
This tomato recipe comes from food in jars, the canning queen I like to say. I had my doubts but I did not want to see our tomatoes going to compost gave it a try, and I am glad I did that because it was delicious. Only thing I did different here is blanched the basil and add it later about half of it, because I want it to bee green. I hope I can save some for winter, because lately they have been flying out the window for cookouts, party, get togethers, and some are making requests for our garden tomato jams. I have change few components in some recipes. Mainly to add a bit of heat for our asian palette. I did planted yellow tomatoes this year so I was all set to make this. Most of all I simply like preserving garden crop for long winter months. Recipe credit goes Marisa from Food in Jars.  
4 pounds Sungold or other yellow tomatoes
3 cups granulated sugar
1/2 cup lemon juice
zest of two lemons, divided
1/4 cup roughly chopped basil
1.   Cut Sungold tomatoes in half, or, if using larger yellow tomatoes, chop them into smallish pieces.
2.   Combine chopped tomatoes with sugar in a large, non-reactive pot and stir. Let sit for at least one hour, or until the tomatoes release their juice.
3.   When ready to cook, prep canning pot and jars and place jam pot over high heat. Add lemon juice and bring to a boil.
4.   Cook at a boil for 30-35, stirring frequently, until the tomatoes have softened and the syrup has gotten thick. Once you’re satisfied with the set, remove the pot from the heat and stir in half the lemon zest and chopped basil. Taste and add remaining lemon zest only if you feel the jam requires it.
5.   Pour jam into prepared jars. Wipe rims, apply lids and rings. Process jars in a boiling water bath canner for 10 minutes.
6.   When time is up, remove jars from pot and let them cool on a kitchen towel. When jars are cool enough to handle, remove rings and test seals. Place any unsealed jars in the refrigerator and use promptly. All sealed jars can be stored in a cool, dark place for up to 1 year

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