
Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Time to plan

There has been a great silence in this blog during the month of March. Mainly I have been extremely  busy with life in way it is a good thing. On top of that I have been sick catching something from work despite all my effort to be germ free. Ha kind of a funny statement when you work in a school. I think I am bound to get sick. After a very busy week little Nicolette got sick with a stomach bug, and then it was me I do not know what it is. I felt it was a cross between a bad allergy attack and a cold. However my joints have been aching lately.

I still can’t find time to roam around and do nothing how miserable I am, now that just me. If I am not sleeping I am doing something. One thing for sure this spring and summer I will not be spending time online. Yes, it was way too much time for browsing this winter. 

Despite all my effort I was able to plan my garden. I am not a cubit fan but I get my seeds from the local hardware store, at times from the grocery store, and occasionally from the nursery close to my house. Some plans are underway to building the compost and adding a new planting bed for little Nicolette. I am very excited to see how she wants to plant her garden.

We will be reading many gardening books this season!

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