
Monday, December 2, 2013

Turkey Stock

When I was in VA, I invited my neighbor for Thanksgiving and some of our friends and family. After the meal we were left with this meat caucus which I was about to throw one of guest suggested that I could make a great turkey stock out of it. After couple of attempts I have mastered making my own turkey stock. 

On the same day, I cut all the leftover meat, wrap them in foil, and place them in ziplock bags to keep them off from freezer burns. Then I cut the caucus into 2-3 pieces depending on the mood after the guest departure. Usually the wine get the best of me. Just kidding after all we are all human! 

1 turkey caucus 
2 carrots
1 big celery stalk
1 big yellow onion (cut into pieces)
Flat leaf parsley
2 thyme sprigs
Black pepper corns
1 tbs olive oil

Place big stock pot on medium high heat, and 1 table spoon of olive oil. Sauté onions, when it is translucent add the carrots and celery. 
Let vegetables cook for at least about 5 minutes, add the rest of the ingredients, and the  turkey caucus to the pot and cover with warm water. 
Bring it to boil and let cook for at least 40 minutes. Once it is cool discard the caucus and the vegetables run the liquid through a strainer you got your home made turkey stock! Thank you to my wonderful friend who was always eager to share her knowledge. 

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