
Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Record breaking

I was in a mission to write many posts this year; because, I have been posting the same number of posts for the couple of last few years. Years 2012 and 2011 both sum up to 119 posts published, but, I am still posting this year and way over 119 posts. 

I do not have a big number following my blog but I love my usual comments, and a big thank you goes to Meryl Carver from My Bit of Earth. I love reading her blog which has inspire me in many ways. I share many of her interests which Meryl blogs in her blog. 

This year has been my second year blogging while at work. I learned to value time more than any thing this year. It has been a great year, teaching is getting back to me and I have begun to share my love with children in class including forcing bulbs. Thanks to many posts on internet

We are working on a big project, this year and will be posting about it this spring. We are all excited about that and more to come. 

I am happy to enjoy the time off from work, it is not exactly time off for me, but I get to do few things I love the most, reading, sewing, knitting, and ofcourse stocking my little shop. 

Holiday baking is taking shape, and enjoying catching up with friends and neighbors. 

I am planning to blog more in 2014. 


  1. Glad to know that you had a great year in blogging! You are right, blogging while working (that too, full time) takes a lot of effort and sometimes, we just can't win it.. But I am still keeping my head above the water... I dream of great things with both my sites in the coming year.. Here's to a fab 2014!

  2. I am happy with my small little outlet, and thank you.
