
Friday, February 24, 2012

Changes in Blogging...

 Decided to change few things up in my blog. Not so much the style of blogging in other words publishing pictures. I have been commented few times by some of you that I do a great job in taking pictures so I decided to let that take in to the center stage because that’s what you guys liked. 

Publishing my pictures x-large and writing in between the pictures so you have an ideas what I am talking about makes more sense. 
I am a more in tune to read blog that help me to understand what is going on with the post. If I get the pictures to be large and explain what is happening it is much easier to understand; at least for my case. 

 Promise to keep things simple and clear going forward. If you do not like it please do not hesitate to contact me.
 Notice the new tab for contact information. Now it is one more step closer to send a personal message if you like. 
I hope this Makes sense
Also I wanted to be centered with my writing that will flow easily with pictures.

Quote of the day “ remember that you have an ability to start over”

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