
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Christmas ornaments made at home...

 We created our christmas ornaments at home and it was fun. used up some old clear ornaments with glitter glue and of course some christmas colors. This was a fun project to do with your toddler but guess who really enjoyed making the ornaments was my teenager.

It was a fun afternoon he was thrilled to do this activity with his sister. He is a wonderful brother who adores his sister.

How it is done. You need clear glass ornaments, get them from your local craft shop. Use clear glue with glitter. Squeeze some into the ornament and use a paint brush to paint it around the ball. Let it dry for a while. Good time to listen to some holiday music.

Once dry with the clear glitter coat. Now let your toddler pick the holiday color and squeeze it into the ball and proceed with the brush and watch the strokes. ( I used red and green)

Let them dry, inserts tops they are ready add color to a simple homemade gift check out the next post...

Quote of the day “tell someone you can not wait to experience whatever it is they are working on”



  1. We've been doing a lot of homemade ornaments. This year, my kids are really all about the salt dough and treats, but this one looks like a great one to set aside for another year. Also, does your son rent himself out? He sounds like the older brother every kid dreams of!!

  2. I should also note that my dog has nearly toppled the tree twice trying to get at the salt dough ones. He's sure that we baked them for him and this is like a big teasure hunt so he can get them down for himself.

  3. this is so cool, very creative of you.

