
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Hello today is MY SITS DAY…

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Hello everyone I want to extend a warm welcome to all of you. Thank you so much for visiting my blog it means a lot to me… So make you self comfortable… My blog is about myself and projects I do with my kids… I do enjoy living in New England even though it is bit colder here than in VA.

I have to write this story when I went to the US Embassy in Sri Lanka about 13 years ago. My visa officer asked me do you know how cold Minneapolis, Minnesota in winter? My answer to that question was I think I am going to find out by myself… she laughed… I was 24 newly married came to US as a Montessori Teacher to work in a school in Minnesota. Since then I have travelled a bit in US including the mid-west and little bit in GB. I grew up in Sri Lanka some of you might known it as Ceylon. You can clearly see I love traveling… other than all my crazy interests…

At Present I am staying at home and going to school… and promoting my fun little business…
I want to take this opportunity to give a big thank you to SITS for making a wonderful, strong, community for all the bloggers. It is a wonderful community for bloggers to connect with other bloggers.
Same note a big thank you goes to CK from bedtimetales…. for introducing me to SITS…

Once again thank you all for visiting my blog I will let you continue browsing to find more about me and my interests…

Quote of the day “never stop to trying to improve yourself”



  1. Happy SITS Day!! So how did you handle the cold?

  2. Happy SITS day. So it looks like you lived in MN but now live in MA? I was born in MN but now live in MA so if that's the case we have something in common!

  3. Happy SITS Day! Minnesota is a part of the US to which I have never been!

  4. Congratulations on your SITS day! Have a good one.

  5. Thanks for sharing your blog! Off to check out your Etsy shop!

  6. Happy SITS day. I hope you enjoy all of your comment love today, and get some new followers :)

  7. Happy SITS day! Hope you have a wonderful one filled with much comment love!

  8. I am always amazed by people who move here from other countries. Such bravery! I enjoy reading about your travels. Enjoy your SITS day!

  9. Happy SITS day! :)))) So how was the move from some place warm to some place cold?

  10. I hear you about MN being COLD in the winter! What was your reaction? And, did you stay in the cold or go somewhere warmer?

  11. Happy SITS day! Excited to look around :)

  12. What a lovely family! I live in New England, too; Maine, to be exact! Enjoy your day in the spotlight!I just stopped by from SITS to say hello; hope you find time to do the same.

  13. Happy SITS day! And you have such a beautiful family. Best wishes and hope you enjoy all the extra attention today :)

  14. Congrats on your SITS Day! We're in New England, too! And I am NOT looking forward to the cold :(

  15. Thank you So much for all the comments and LOVE... About adjusting the cold weather in Minnesota was challenging I did stayed for a short period of time. I went to Kansas where my husband was then we moved around. Did I enjoyed the weather in Minnesota yes, but did not had a chance to spend the entire winter. I wanted to we were very migratory people we have traveled so much with our kids.

  16. Grats on your SITS Day! I too am in New England. Beautiful kids you have there as well. :)

  17. Beautiful family Sharm. Happy SITS day from Savannah, GA...where it is NOT cold :)


  18. You live in Minneapolis? That is where I am originally from. I'm going back for a week in December before going to Chile. I love it there, but I am not looking forward to the cold.

  19. Have a wonderful day as F/B! Enjoy your day as Queen!

  20. Happy SITS day to you! Enjoy your special day!

  21. Happy SITS Day:-) Enjoy your day in the spotlight. Your kids are beautiful and hopefully you can all stay warm:-)

  22. Happy SITS day! Look forward to looking around.

  23. I'm a blogger/photographer of my own family as well AND I live in Massachusetts. Great to stumble upon your blog!

  24. Congrats! This must be so exciting for you! I can't wait to spend some time looking through your blog!


    Bullfrogs and Bulldogs

  25. Happy SITS day-what a great community!!!

  26. Happy SITS day! So glad to meet you and your bloggy world here. Blessings.

  27. happy SITS day! good for you that you're going back to school. You have a beautiful family.

  28. Oh, Shar, I hope it has been a wonderful day for you! Happy SITS day!

  29. Happy SITS day from your newest fans at We Got Kidz! Lovin' the blog girl!

  30. Happy SITS day! One thing I love about SITS is that I get to find great blogs like yours!

  31. Happy SITS day! I really am enjoying reading your blog and getting to know you.

  32. You have a beautiful family! Happy SITS day!

  33. New England is wonderful- I hope you settle in okay! Happy Sits Day.

  34. Happy SITS day! I am new to this but your crafts are so cute! I will keep an eye on them!

  35. Congrats on your SITS Day Sharm! Lovely blog and lovely etsy shop! :)

  36. Congrats on your SITS day! Sorry I'm a little late... lol. I used to teach preschool, but I never did Montessori. Though I know what it is about and everything, I'd love to come back & check out some of your projects & ideas! Thanks for sharing :)


  37. I'm late for a very important date! Just wanted to stop by and say HAPPY SITS DAY a couple of days late. Your kids are beautiful! I'm off to check out some posts now.

  38. Happy SITS Day! My parents moved from Texas to Edmonton, Alberta Canada when I was a baby--it was quite a shock!

  39. Happy SITS day (a little late :) Great pics! Following you on GFC now, have a great day!

  40. Congrats on your SITS day!! Can't wait to try out planting garlic! We are in the process of finding a new house, so it'll have to wait till next year...but thanks for the tips!
