
Monday, September 12, 2011

Rain and Plants…

 We have been working every single day for the past few weeks in our garden. We have been attending to the newly planted grass, stone edge, adding mulch to the beds, planting new plants, and most of all watering. I am glad to take a break from non-stop twice day a day watering schedule. Yes, it finally started to rain and it has been raining for a couple of days. I know some of you who love the sunshine do not like this weather so much but I love this weather because we wanted the rain for the newly planted shrubs and bushes.

I have somehow made some blunders in my color coded garden. I am not so great about digging and replanting the plants unless that they needed to be divided due to over growth. But I am about to embark on this adventure. I love the New England gardens and the hydrangeas I cannot have enough of that. I am proud owner of several beautiful hydrangeas. I love this plant so much. And there are many hybrids and varieties of this beautiful plant.

Everyone in our family has contributed to this garden including little Nicolette. Niegel has been a great help in watering and getting out the tools for gardening jobs. Which I need major help to organize my garden tools. That could be one major priority for this coming spring. If you have any ideas for organizing tools please share with me.

I wanted the rain to make the soil soft really soft so the new plant can spread their roots really deep so I can enjoy them in spring. I am so happy to be reunited with my old interest with plants.

Quote of the day ‘conserve water’


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